VOXPOP INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, founded by Mr. Venkateswar Rao Karnati in 2009, is the new innovation in the world of Education. We at VOXPOP, with Global Standards, Modern Teaching Aids and New Innovative Curriculum, offer your kids the right mixture of Knowledge and Success. We want every child to develop a love for learning and encourage students to achieve academic and extra-curricular excellence by putting forth their maximum efforts. We aim to nurture students in critical enquiry, creative thinking, good behavior and a sense of respect for self and others. Besides academics, we create opportunities for children to experience a wide range of outdoor and adventurous activities. We are committed to developing rounded individuals by providing all possible educational opportunities.
…..is to shape the students as extra-ordinary individuals, who are capable to meet everyday challenges of this competitive world with versatile intellectual competence and uncompromising commitment.
We aim to provide the highest possible levels of quality in teaching and learning to enable our students to reach their full potential.